1. Accepting terms of use

1.1. EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ products and features are available online through different sets of properties without limitations including EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ apps for both IOS and Android, EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ site, EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ social pages e.t.c. These terms of use apply to any properties on which they are posted called Services. Where other terms or agreements are instead posted, those terms or agreements apply to the extent they conflict with these Terms. The material, including without limitation information, data, text, editorial content, design elements, formatting, graphics, images, photographs, videos and other content contained in or delivered via the properties or otherwise made available by EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ in connection with the properties is the "Content".

1.2. When these terms use word “Organizer" it means event creators using our Services to create content displayed on our Services for consumers using our Services to consume information or attend events, or for any other usage. Organizers, Consumers and any other third parties using our services in these terms of use called “Organizers”, “Consumers”, “You” or “Yours”.

When these terms use words “We”, “Our” or “Us”, we refer to EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ and its affiliates.

1.3. These terms of use and other references compromise EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ “Terms”. These Terms are a legally binding agreement between you and EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ governing your access to and use of the Services and setting out your rights and responsibilities when you use the Services. By using any of out Services you are automatically agreeing to this Terms of use. If you, for any reason, don’t agree to our Terms please don’t use or access our Services in any way possible. If you will be using our Services on behalf of an entity and its affiliates you are working with then you will be agreeing to this Terms on behalf of an entity you are working with. In this case terms “You" and “Yours" will refer your entity as well as your self.

2. EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ role and services

2.1. EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ Services provide a simple means for Organizers to create profiles, organizer profiles, and other pages related to their events, promote those pages and events to visitors or browsers on the Services or elsewhere online, manage online or onsite ticketing and registration.

2.2. EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ is not the creator, organizer or owner of the events listed in any of our Services. EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ proves it’s services for organizers to manager ticketing and promote their events on out platforms. The organizers is solely responsible for ensuring that any page displaying an event on the Services (and the event itself) meet all applicable local, state, provincial, national and other laws, rules and regulations, and that the goods and services described on the event page are delivered as described and in an accurate satisfactory manner.

3. Consumer information

3.1. We know that information you provide us is important to you and also very important to us. Information provided by Consumers to EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ or collected by our Services is governed by EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ Privacy Policy.

3.2. If you are an Organizer, you represent, warrant and agree that you will comply with all applicable local, state, provincial, national and other laws, rules and regulations with respect to information you collect from (or receive about) consumers, and you will at all times comply with any applicable policies posted on the Services with respect to information you collect from consumers.

4. Termination

4.1. These terms of use apply to you as soon as you joined any of our Services and continue in effect until they are terminated. When these terms of use are terminated they no longer apply to you or any of your entities you are working on behalf of. However certain provisions described in 4.4. will remain the same.

4.2. EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ may terminate your right to use our Services at any time if you violate or breach these Terms; misuse or abuse the Services in a way not intended or permitted by EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ;

EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ may choose to stop offering the Services, or any particular portion of the Service, or modify or replace any aspect of the Service, at any time. We will use reasonable efforts to provide you with notice of our termination of your access to the Services, where, in EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ sole discretion, failure to do so would materially prejudice you. You agree that EVENTMATE EVENTS OÜ will not be liable to you or any third-party as a result of its termination of your right to use or otherwise access the Services.

4.3. You may terminate your access you out Services and by doing this also terminate your agreement to this Terms by writing email to us using this box [email protected], we will delete your account and you will be no longer able to access it.

4.4. All provisions of these Terms that by their nature should survive the termination of these Terms will survive and will be applicable to any Consumer agreed.